shameful hearts


Look. Im sorry. I don't owe you an apology I don't think, but you don't owe me one either.

I've no right to bottle things up and get mad at you. We all say the wrong things sometimes, and I'm not sure which one of us it was this time around. Probably both.

But please, stop confusing me.

Maybe I'm delusional, (i probably am, but a few others have backed me up on this theory so that's encouraging) but I think that maybe... you lied.


"We're so young, " he said 
"We don't know what we want," he said 
"We tricked  our hearts," he said. 

My head agreed. 
My heart did not.

But I nodded and we put the business behind. 
It must have been a summer mirage. 

Only I don't think it was. 
Not for me. 
My heart remained tricked. 
I was ashamed of it 
Because it is weak to be unable to control 
Your own heart 
So I hid it. 

Removed it like a cuff link 
And stuck it in my chest. 
My stubborn heart beat wildly 
It missed the fresh air and messiness
From my sleeve 

One day he found it again 
He took my heart and examined it
My heart had missed his touch 
It grew warm and happy to be on my sleeve again 

Sheepishly I asked if his heart was in a similar state 
he said no. 
But it made no sense. 

I digressed and hid my shameful heart away again 
though there was little point 
he knew. 

But I have seen glimpses of his heart 
in phone calls
days out 
his dependence 
my dependence
The way we always apologize 
how we have no secrets 

forgive me if my shameful, deluded heart looks
At his 
and sees love 
even if his words say different. 


  1. Shout out to everything you write. For real. Your writing is my favorite writing.
