things my heart says to me that i ignore

listen to me

You love her. Stop pretending that you don't. 
And stop pretending that she doesn't mean as much to you as she used to. That pain is gone now.

Give her a hug. She needs it. You know that.

listen to me

Your mother needs your help. Your brother needs your help. It is up to you to be the man of the house. Help them. Please.

listen to me

Smile at him. He misses you. Let him talk to you.

Please don't forget to write those letters. They deserve to hear from you. Let them know you haven't forgotten them.

Listen to me.

Those pills you're taking? They're helping. I know you don't like to think they are, but they are.

Stop lying to me. You love her. You're not crazy.


She's your best friend, she completes you, you're absolutely insane for thinking that, YES, but since when does the definition of love include the word sanity?!  Maybe you won't get married, maybe you'll propose a million times, but that doesn't change the fact that the two of you will always be special friends. I will keep her memory inside of me forever, no matter what happens.

listen to me.

don't screw this up.


  1. I like that I related to some things but was in the dark about others (if that makes sense) I could feel your passion and I think that's really cool that you can do that. Loved this.

  2. I feel like I could put names into this post. That's how real it is.

  3. this just made me feel. and i like those kinds of posts.
