Hold Tight

This is about the death of something precious.

Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved and believed in himself.

He found a girl who had brown eyes and hair and a red shirt that he fell in love with. They were young and it was the first time either of them would try out the words, "I love you."

They thought it was meant to be, but remember this is about the death of something precious.

He found another girl who had blue eyes and dyed hair. She was sad, and he couldn't help her. The boy kissed her anyway.

He thought it was right, but remember this is about the death of something precious.

There was a girl with green eyes and brown hair, and later there was one with laughing eyes, one with a heavy heart.

They never paid him much attention and love is about the death of something precious.

There's another girl now, as you know. Light shines from her soul.

The boy pretends. It's for the best. His love is precious, and he gives so much of it to her. He doesn't know if she loves him too, but that's okay he supposes. He writes her letters that he never gives her and he pretends. He pretends she doesn't kill him every time she gives her attention to another boy and he pretends like it's never a big deal.

He pretends that she doesn't mean the world to him, and life goes on just the way it always does.

He pretends that nothing precious has died, and he holds his precious heart together with both hands.


  1. This was vague and specific and beautiful and precious and oh my gosh that heart picture is so dope.

  2. love is about the death of something precious #stolen

  3. "He pretends she doesn't kill him every time she gives her attention to another boy and he pretends like it's never a big deal."

    You nailed it. Also I add my love for the heart picture.

  4. "He pretends that nothing precious has died, and he holds his precious heart together with both hands."

    I really really like this. and this post. and all of your posts.
